
Provisional Programme And Indicative Content

  • Asia Regional Developing Country: Current challenges and opportunities in fish trade
  • Africa Regional Developing Country: Current challenges and opportunities in fish trade
  • Latin America Regional Developing Country: Current challenges and opportunities in fish trade (Portuguese/Spanish)
Thematic Areas
  • Solutions to Forced labour
    1. Measuring ethical content of seafood
    2. Human rights legislation, monitoring and enforcement in fisheries and aquaculture
    3. Role of certification bodies in enhancing social justice
    4. Better work and welfare in the seafood business
    5. Port focused solution for reducing forced labour
    6. At sea controls on labour conditions
    7. Trafficking of labour in the fisheries and aquaculture
  • Molluscan shellfish safety (biotoxins)
    1. Monitoring of phytoplankton and HABs
    2. Aquatic food chains and toxicity
    3. Analysis of biotoxins
    4. Impacts of climate change
    5. Sanitary Surveys
    6. Microbiological methods
    7. Managing microbial pathogen risk
  • Corporate social responsibility
    1. Trade impact potential of CSR legislation
    2. Organisational responses in implementing CSR in seafood operations
    3. Measuring CSR performance in the supply chain
    4. Audit procedures
    5. Retailer perspectives - Ethical labelling and consumer information
  • The ethical dimension of seafood trade
    1. Fish welfare concerns in aquaculture and capture fisheries – implications for business
    2. Society and development – understanding the links to seafood trade
    3. The demand for ethical products
    4. Overcoming market access barriers to trade for small scale operators
  • Health hazards, safety and nutrition of seafood
    1. Balancing health costs and benefits of consumption
    2. Health risk assessment and management decision making in seafood safety
    3. Assessing risks and appropriate levels of protection
    4. Optimising nutritional benefits of fish and mollusc consumption for target populations
  • Role and challenges for fishery and aquaculture products in the circular economy
    1. Case studies in implementation of circular economy
    2. Technological challenges in improving utilisation of fishery products
    3. Food safety and animal health challenges in implementing the circular blue economy
  • Challenges in seafood regulation, inspection and control
    1. Regulatory trends and impacts on trade and development
    2. Small scale operators
    3. Dual standards - regulatory differences between export & domestic markets
    4. Innovation in food safety and inspection methods
    5. Remote audits, monitoring and inspection of seafood
    6. Certification systems - benchmarking and validation
    7. Traceability tools for improving safety in the supply chain
    8. Detecting and preventing fish fraud
    9. Indicators for seafood safety in the supply chain
    10. Impacts of aquaculture biosecurity measures on trade
  • Science, technology and utilisation of aquatic products
    1. Quality indicators Advance in laboratory methods for seafood testing
    2. Analytical tools in seafood traceability
    3. Plant based seafood analogues
    4. Innovation in Seafood Processing, packaging & distribution Technology
    5. Optimising the economic utilisation of products from the aquatic environment
  • Seaweeds and macro/microalgae – blue food of the future:
    1. Novel products and applications for seaweeds and macro/microalgae.
    2. Emerging technologies used in the production and processing of seaweeds and macro/microalgae.
    3. Emerging uses of seaweeds and macro/microalgae for human and animal nutrition.
    4. Food safety risks in the consumption of seaweed and macro/microalgae.
    5. Environmental and social impacts of seaweeds and macro/microalgae production.
  • IAFI Awards
  • Final Round Table
    1. Panel discussion on key themes - Keynote speaker panel